Schools » Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

The Fruitvale School District was successful at the election conducted on November 8, 2016 in obtaining authorization from the District’s voters to issue up to $23 million of the District’s general obligation bonds (“Measure O”). The election was conducted under Proposition 39 whereas the District is now obligated to establish this Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee in order to satisfy the accountability requirements of Proposition 39.  

The district does not receive all the bond funds at once. The district receives a portion of them periodically based on when the bond sales occur.       

The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) is the legally required committee appointed by the Board of Education to actively review the proper expenditure of Measure O funds, and informs the board and the public concerning these expenditures. Measure O funds must be used for the projects listed in the bond language placed before the voters, and cannot be used for teacher or administrative salaries.
Annual Reports 